Xuất bản thông tin

Có lỗi xảy ra trong quá trình xử lý biểu mẫu.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> tapTinDinhKemJson  [in template "34201#34227#500471" at line 30, column 84]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${tapTinDinhKemJson.title}  [in template "34201#34227#500471" at line 30, column 82]
	- Reached through: #assign ducumentURL = "/documents/${t...  [in template "34201#34227#500471" at line 30, column 21]
1<div style="border: 1px solid #dc3545 ;" > 
2    <table class="table table-sm"> 
3        <thead> 
4            <tr class="bg-danger"> 
5                <th class="bg-danger" style="vertical-align: middle;color: white;" scope="col">STT</th> 
6                <th class="bg-danger" style="vertical-align: middle;color: white;width:15%" scope="col">Số ký hiệu</th> 
7                <th class="bg-danger" style="vertical-align: middle;color: white;width:10%" scope="col">Ngày ban hành</th> 
8                <th class="bg-danger" style="vertical-align: middle;color: white;" scope="col">Trích yếu</th> 
9            </tr> 
10        </thead> 
11        <tbody> 
12            <#list entries as curEntry> 
13        		<#assign renderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() 
14        		    viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, renderer, curEntry, !stringUtil.equals(assetLinkBehavior, "showFullContent")) 
15            		className = renderer.getClassName() > 
16        		<#if className == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle"> 
17                    <#assign docXml = saxReaderUtil.read(curEntry.getAssetRenderer().getArticle().getContent()) /> 
18                    <#assign soKyHieu = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='soKyHieu']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
19                    <#assign ngayKy = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='ngayKy']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
20                    <#assign nguoiKy = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='nguoiKy']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
21                    <#assign tapTinDinhKem = docXml.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='tapTinDinhKem']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
22					<#if tapTinDinhKem?has_content> 
23						<#assign tapTinDinhKemJson = tapTinDinhKem?eval /> 
24					</#if> 
25                    <#if tapTinDinhKemJson?has_content && tapTinDinhKemJson.groupid?has_content> 
26                        <#assign tapTinDinhKemGroupId = tapTinDinhKemJson.groupid /> 
27                        <#else> 
28                        <#assign tapTinDinhKemGroupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() /> 
29                    </#if> 
30                    <#assign ducumentURL = "/documents/${tapTinDinhKemGroupId}/0/${tapTinDinhKemJson.title}/${tapTinDinhKemJson.uuid}" /> 
31                    <#assign title = curEntry.getTitle(locale)  /> 
32                    <#if validator.isNotNull(ngayKy)> 
33                    	<#assign ngayKy_DateObj = dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", ngayKy, locale) 
34                    	    ngayKy = dateUtil.getDate(ngayKy_DateObj, "dd/MM/yyyy", locale) 
35                    	    /> 
36                    </#if> 
37        			<tr> 
38            			<th scope="row">${curEntry_index + 1}</a></th> 
39                        <td><a href="${ducumentURL}" target="blank_">${soKyHieu}</a></td> 
40                        <td><a href="${ducumentURL}" target="blank_">${ngayKy}</a></td> 
41                        <td><a href="${ducumentURL}" target="blank_">${title}</a></td> 
42                    </tr> 
43        		</#if> 
44        	</#list> 
45        </tbody> 
46    </table> 